Sadisnya Para Pelaku Pembunuhan Vina Cirebon: Neck Hingga Rahang Korban Patah

JAKARTA - The National Police said that the murder cases of Vina and M Rizky alias Eky in Cirebon were very sadistic. Because, based on the results of the post-mortem, both of them suffered serious injuries.

"The sadistic murder incident can even be said to be very sadistic. Where, the victims of the late Eky and Ananda Vina received very cruel treatment," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Shandi Nugroho, quoted on Thursday, June 20.

It was revealed that Vina and Eky suffered severe injuries, their necks and jaws were broken. In fact, open wounds were also found.

"The post-mortem results, where the wounds were severe, the neck was broken, I'm sorry, there were upper jaws and the lower jaw was also broken, there were open wounds caused by sharp weapons," he said.

With this wound, Eky died at the scene. Meanwhile, Vina was still breathing.

The teenager was taken to the hospital for treatment. Unfortunately, Vina's life could not be saved.

"The late Eky was found dead at the crime scene and at that time for the victim, Vina was still alive and rushed to the hospital," said Shandi.

In Vina's case, the seven suspects who have been tried are Aditya Wardana, Eko Ramadhani, Hadi Saputra, Jaya, Eka Sandi, Sudirman, and Supriyanto. They were sentenced to life imprisonment.

Then, there was also Saka Tatal who was only sentenced to 8 years in prison. Because, at that time, he was still a minor.

Meanwhile, in handling the current case, the West Java Police have completed the preparation of the case files for the suspect Sigi Setiawan alias Perong in the alleged murder case of Vina and Muhammad Rizky alias Eky. Thus, investigators plan to hand it over to the West Java High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati).