Stay Alert! Kominfo Affirms Elaelo Is Not A Social Media Made By The Government

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology emphasized that it would review and learn more about social media policy X which allows pornographic content on its platform.

In fact, if the government finds the truth about this pornographic policy, Director General of Informatics Application Samuel Abrijani Pangerapan said he would not hesitate to block the social media platform belonging to businessman Elon Musk.

"So once again, if X is not comply (rules), then X is closed. The user, I'm sorry, just get ready to migrate to others, or at least it's impossible to trigger us to make it ourselves, while it's low, this is this offer," said Semmy on Friday, June 14.

In the midst of the threat of Kominfo that will block X and ask its users to migrate to other alternative social media, appears which is believed by netizens as a replacement social media for X which is made official by the government.

However, the Director General of Information and Public Communication (IKP) of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Usman Kansong, confirmed that Elalo's website was not officially made by the Government.

"Elaelo's site is not made by the government or Kominfo," Usman told VOI via text message on Wednesday, June 19.

Through its official website, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics has also uploaded the fact that the Elaelo website which is claimed to be the new social media to replace X which was created directly by Kominfo is not true.

Thus, users, especially in Indonesia, need to be careful with the use of the site. Don't forget to install reliable security solutions, and not share any personal information or data.