15 Medan Police Faces Circulated On The List Of Fugitives

A leaflet circulating of fifteen personnel from the Medan City Resort Police, North Sumatra is on the wanted list (DPO). Now the 15 police personnel are being hunted by the Propam Polrestabes Medan, North Sumatra.

From the paper leaflets on the information board of the Medan Polrestabes, the 15 faces of police personnel included in the DPO were Bripka Sutrisno, Bripka Ari Galih Aiptu Sutarso, Bripka Riswandi Brigadier Afriyanto Maha, Brigadier Sapril Brigadier Muhammad Ade Nugraha, Brigadier Jefri Suzaldi.

Brigadier Eliot TM Silitonga, Brigadier Muladi, Brigadier Refandi, Brigadier Haris K Putra, Bripda Erdi Kurniawan, Bripda Hasanuddin Sitohang and Brigadier Rudianto Ginting.

In the DPO paper leaflet, it is written that the 15 police personnel have left their unit service at the Medan Polrestabes and the DPO leaflets were issued on June 6, 2024 and signed by the Head of the Propam Section of the Medan Polrestabes, Kompol Tomi.

Responding to the DPO leaflet, the Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Regional Police, Police Commissioner Hadi Wahyudi said the 15 personnel had been dishonorably dismissed (PTDH).

Regarding what crimes were committed by the 15 former Medan Polrestabes personnel, Hadi did not specify it, but they were included in various criminal acts that violated the police professional code of ethics.

"Everything is PTDH. Cases of various violations of the police professional code of ethics," said Hadi, Tuesday, June 18.

Now the 15 former Medan City Resort Police personnel are still hunting for the Propam Polrestabes Medan, North Sumatra.