Here Are Expert Tips To Avoid Phishing Scheme Using Gmail

JAKARTA - Cybersecurity company Kaspersky has just discovered a new cyber fraud scheme targeting the hotel business under the guise of consumer complaints via email.

In this scheme, attackers will use free email services such as Gmail, which are commonly used by guests. Thus, it is difficult to distinguish between legitimate messages and malware messages.

Kaspersky pun menyarankan bisnis untuk menerapkan sistem pefilteran email yang kuat dan menetapkan protokol untuk memverifikasi kesilihan permintaan mendesak sebelum merespons.

But more than that, to keep your data protected against attacks and leaks of phishing, Kaspersky experts recommend:

Use a solution that is light and easy to manage but still effective to help prevent your computer from being locked due to malicious emailing or attachments.