9 Plants Excluding Pests Andriks In The Ruman Courtyard, Anything?

JAKARTA - The existence of insects and disturbance pests such as mosquitoes, firecrackers, and others makes the house uncomfortable. Usually, to expel or prevent insects from entering the house, many chemicals must be used. However, these chemicals will be poor for health and the environment.

Reporting from The Spruce, Friday, June 14, the alternative is to use household plants to eradicate insects. Of course, you have to take spraying occasionally for severe cases.

However, with some simple indoor gardening skills, you can minimize exposure to poison. Here are some pest expulsion plants that you can plant in your yard.


One of the best herbal plants suggested by garden experts to be planted in an effort to keep vegetable gardens free from pests is rosemary.

"Herbal is a great choice as a companion plant," said Carrieongemore, founder of Seed toximan. "They are more than just a flavorer in cooking, but also a natural protector for gardens," explainedestermore.

Thanks to its strong aroma, rosemary is also often used to make natural mosquito medicines and effectively repel insects.


Often served in salads, basics are companion plants that are suitable for repelling various insects naturally. In addition to insects, these plants can also increase the taste of tomatoes, prevent roundworms, and repel mosquitoes.


Lavenders are the main players in insect and pest antidotes, and experts at warding off flies, ticks, mosquitoes, beetles,men, and many other pests. As a bonus, the aroma is great and calming. However, for those who are allergic toCEs, you may be able to put your lavender plantation in a pot outside the door.


Sage can help keep insects and pests away only by planting them around the house. You can also burn dry leaves or stubborn them in packages to get rid of gestures.


The aroma of mints drives ants and leafbugs. Plus, this plant is easy to grow, and makes the garden fragrant. For those of you who hope to attract more positive pollinators such as bees or butterflys to the backyard, mint is also a very good choice of companion plants.


Marigold has beautiful flowers and a strong aroma that scare insects. Consider placing them near the door or in the window to prevent them from entering.


Kucai can be grown side by side with carrots, tomatoes, and even roses. The aroma of onions is a defense mechanism that can repel insects such as carrots and leafbugs.


Kristan plants do not only have a beautiful appearance and a fragrant aroma. Krisan can also be used to repel insects including ants, vegetables, ticks, and also rotten meal.


Dresses are very good for expelling various insects such as flies, ticks, ants, agas, and of course mosquitoes. In addition, lemongrass is also used in most candles, sprays, and mosquito expulsion lotions. Try planting lemongrass in pots near your door or window to help keep insects into the room.