Armenia Becomes The 43rd Country To Support NASA's Exploration Mission On The Moon

JAKARTA The US Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) announced that Armenia had become part of the Artemis Agreement. The small country signed an agreement contract on Wednesday, June 12. The signing ceremony was held at NASA Headquarters and was attended by several parties. Representatives from Armenia are the Minister of High Technology Industry, Mkhitar Hayrapetyan and the Armenian Ambassador to the US, Lilit Makunts. Meanwhile, representatives from the US and NASA are NASA Administrator Bill Nelson and Jennifer R. Littlejohn as Acting Assistant Secretary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Bureau of Marine Affairs and Environmental Affairs and International Scientific Affairs. Nelson welcomed the decision of Armenia in joining the Artemis family. According to Nelson, Armenia can support NASA in exploring the moon with safe, transparent, and responsible principles. As the 10th country to sign this year's Artemis Agreement, we prove that exploration can unite countries in a way that cannot be done by many other things, "said Nelson. Meanwhile, Hayrapetyan, representing Armenia, said that his country does want to join a community that advances knowledge and technology in space. Therefore, they join the Artemis Agreement.

Our involvement will not only improve our technological capabilities, but also inspire a new generation of Armenian people to dream big dreams, innovate, and explore the world and the universe," Hayrapetyan explained. So far, the Artemis Agreement has been supported by 43 countries, including Armenia. Through this agreement, NASA seeks to make lunar exploration missions a success, prioritizes the best exploration practices, and promises to release scientific data to the public. Although the number of countries supporting its mission has been more than 40 in four years, NASA believes this mission will be supported by more countries in the coming months or years.