Hezbollah Attacks 9 Israeli Military Headquarterss With 100 Rockets To 30 Drones

JAKARTA - Lebanese Hezbollah said it launched rockets and armed drones to nine Israeli military locations in coordinated attacks.

The attack came in retaliation for an Israeli attack on Tuesday, June 11 which killed a senior field commander Hezbollah.

The group said it fired Katyusha and Falaq rockets at six Israeli military locations. Al-Manar television reported more than 100 rockets were fired at once.

Hezbollah's statement said they had also launched drone attacks on Israel's northern command headquarters, intelligence headquarters, and military barracks.

Security sources told Reuters it involved firing at least 30 strike drones at once, making it the largest drone strike the group has carried out to date in a war that has lasted eight months.

Iran-backed Hezbollah and Israel have been fighting each other since the outbreak of the Gaza war in October, but in the last two days there has been a sharp increase after an Israeli attack that killed Hezbollah commanders.