Riau Quarantine Destroys 45.5 Tons Of Shallots And Mangga Malaysia

BENGKALIS - The Riau Animal and Plant Quarantine Center destroyed 45.5 tons of illegal Onions and Mangga from Malaysia as a result of collaboration with Customs and Excise at the Sungai Pakning Sea Port Quarantine office, Bukit Batu District, Bengkalis Regency.

"According to the direction of the Head of the Quarantine Center, we must prioritize collaboration with other agencies under quarantine supervision. This commodity is the result of Customs action, then it will be handed over to us. When handed over, Mangga's fruit commodity is rotten," said Riau Quarantine Head, Almen Simarmata, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 13.

Almen explained that the destruction of commodities consisting of 33 tons of Mangga and 12 tons of Bawang Merah, entering Riau Province, had violated Law Number 21 of 2019 concerning Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine (KHIT). In addition, it also violates the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture Number 42 and 43 of 2012, because Riau Province is not a place for fruit and vegetable income and layered tubers from abroad.

According to Almen, Riau Province is widespread as a place for illegal fruit, vegetables, and tubers from abroad. This can be caused by several factors, including the geographical location of Riau adjacent to Malaysia, price differences, and the number of unofficial ports in Riau.

"Last week we received the results of the delegation of 17 tons of Mangga from Dumai Customs and was destroyed at the Dumai Port Service Unit. Not long after, Bengkalis Customs also handed over 16 tons of Mangga and 12.5 tons of Mawang Merah and we destroyed it as well today," he explained.

Sanctions for violating Article 86 of Law Number 21 of 2019 concerning KHIT, in the form of a maximum imprisonment of 10 (ten) years and a maximum fine of IDR 10 billion. However, until now the owner of the goods is not known.

The public is advised to play an active role in reporting agricultural and fishery commodities before crossing them. Destruction is a quarantine effort in preventing the entry and spread of quarantine plant-disturbing organisms (OPTK).

"Moreover, these mangoes and shallots come from abroad who are at risk of bringing the disease to Riau Province and have an economic impact," he said.