After The Sarwendah Divorce Ceremony, Ruben Onsu Opened His Voice About His Children

JAKARTA - Ruben Onsu said that he did not have much time to be able to accompany his three children. The most appropriate time is when he takes the three children to school before finally working.

"With this, it's the great one with this. But if you rely on us, when will we give the right time to shoot like this? So I think my prime hours between school children are very intimate for me," said Ruben Onsu, quoted by VOI from TikTok @otwtrans7, Thursday, June 13.

But Ruben publicly said that he did prefer to work rather than have to play with his children.

"Want a weekend, do they want to go with a more attractive offer? Let alone off the water," explained Ruben Onsu.

Therefore, Ruben is reluctant to arrange much regarding his children's wishes. He released them to choose the desired path of dreams.

"So if they are asked by the children, yes, I want them to be like this, but I have never forced them anything," said Ruben.

Even Ruben said that he did not rule out the possibility that the company he had was forwarded by Betrand Peto, Onyo's eyebrows, if that was what he wanted.

"If Onyo just talks like this, 'No, basically, you have to be, something Onyo wants, Onyo comes from NTT, Onyo must succeed, but if there is no problem, you have it, your father still has a company, you can live it, you live it'," said Ruben Onsu.

Not without reason, this was said by Ruben Onsu because he wanted to prepare for the future of his three children as well as possible so that later they would not live difficult lives.

"That's why now if I make this, I want my children to be in their old age, it's not too difficult for them to continue," said Ruben.