Okie Agustina Somasi Gunawan Dwi Cahyo, Questions The Existence Of His Son's Car

JAKARTA - Okie Agustina summoned her ex-husband, Gunawan Dwi Cahyo, after it was discovered that he had pawned a car which was decided by the Court to belong to his son, Miro Materazzi Gunawan.

Even though the decision of the religious court was clearly stated that the car was handed over to Miro to meet his needs.

"Based on the court's decision, the car was intended for Miro. But until now, his whereabouts are unknown," said Okie Agustina's lawyer, Ardian Dharma in Tanah Sereal, Bogor, Wednesday, June 12.

Annoyed by her ex-husband's behavior, Okie immediately sent an open subpoena against Gunawan and demanded that he immediately return the car.

Because Okie said that the car had been pawned by Gunawan without his prior consent.

"So today I gave a subpoena to Mr. Gunawan to return the Suzuki Swift car in its due state. As decided by the court for the needs of Miro," said Okie Agustina's lawyer, Ardian Dharma, in Tanah Cereal, Bogor, Wednesday, June 12.

"It turned out that the car was pawned by Mr. Gunawan without the direct approval of Mrs. Okie," he added.

It is said that Gunawan Dwi Cahyo is known to have pawned the car since March 2024. To be precise, two months since they divorced on January 8, 2024.