I'm Well! Bogor Frees Parking Fees At The Mount Mas Peak Tourism Rest Area

The Bogor Regency Government has taken steps to eliminate parking fees at the Gunung Mas Rest Area, Puncak Tourism Area, Bogor Regency, West Java, so that tourists are crowded."Now there is a paid parking portal, we just want to free it, open it, so that everyone can enter there," said Bogor Regent Asmawa Tosepu after a coordination meeting on the use of rest areas in Cibinong, Antara, Wednesday, June 12.The paid parking system, which has been implemented since the rest area operated in mid-2023, is one of the reasons why until now there are few visitors, so traders are reluctant to continue selling in the rest area.Asmawa has instructed regional-owned enterprises (BUMD) PT Sayuga Wisata as the manager of the Gunung Mas Rest Area to free parking fees for visitors and free retribution for traders."Maybe for the first three months the retribution doesn't need to be withdrawn, except for electricity and water rental, it's used by each,'mangga udianan'," said Asmawa.In addition, he also proposed that access to Agro Gunung Mas Tourism be integrated with rest areas, so that tourists entering tourist attractions automatically pass through traders in the rest area.Thus, there is no longer any reason for street vendors (PKL) in the Puncak Tourism Area to be relocated to the Gunung Mas Rest Area."Because it turns out that the background of the rest area is a request from traders to make. Now it's finished, it's been made, so let's take advantage of it together," he said.Asmawa explained that of the approximately 600 kiosks available in the Gunung Mas Rest Area, 160 of them were filled with traders but were then abandoned because they were quiet.The construction of a 7 hectare land rest area belonging to PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII has been carried out since 2020-2021. The construction of the first phase of the kiosk is carried out in 2020, and phase two is carried out in 2021 in the form of a refresher for the rest area area area and the construction of a rest area monument.The Bogor Regency Government built 516 kiosks in the rest area. Consisting of stage one as many as 448 kiosks and stage two as many as 68 kiosks with two types, namely dry and wet kiosks.
The construction of this rest area is not carried out alone by the Bogor Regency Government, but is carried out in collaboration with the Directorate General of Human Settlements and the Directorate General of Highways of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (KemenPUPR).Among other things, the implementation of the construction of rest area facilities and infrastructure by the Ministry of PUPR through the Directorate General of Human Settlements, then the implementation of the construction of a ring road in the rest area by the Ministry of PUPR through the Directorate General of Highways. Meanwhile, the Bogor Regency Government built the kiosk.