The Journey Of Cinta Ruben Onsu And Sarwendah: 10 Years Of Marriage To Divorce

Ruben Onsu filed for divorce from his wife, Sarwendah, to the South Jakarta District Court (PN). The lawsuit was filed on June 9 and was closed.

The South Jakarta District Court's public relations party did not reveal the reason for filing for divorce because it could only be revealed at the end of the trial.

"It is certain that the reason for the divorce has definitely been stated in the lawsuit, but because of this case, the divorce case in our private sphere certainly cannot be confirmed to the general public because this trial is also closed," said Tumpanuli as Public Relations of the South Jakarta District Court.

This lawsuit seemed to mark a long silence between the two. Some time ago, Sarwendah revealed that he was separated from Ruben Onsu, but he called it because he was recovering.

Their 10-year marriage has come to an end. Check out Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's love journey as follows:

Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah both have a career in the entertainment world. Ruben first served as a presenter at various events, while Sarwendah, who was then a member of the Cherrybelle group with the stage name Wenda Tan.

Ruben started to like Sarwendah and even expressed love four times, but Sarwendah refused. He refused because he felt he did not know Ruben deeply.

"He's been a fan of me from the start. Just shoot me up to four times," said Sarwendah in an interview.

When he declared love for the fifth time, only Sarwendah began to melt and accept Ruben's love. The comedian admitted that he was originally very romantic but when he had to state the fourth time, Ruben began to be confused and become normal.

"Capek is given a romantic, given a dinner that is not accepted. Flowers are not accepted, yesterday I was dating far away, mas I was at Fatmawadi he was in Bojong," said Ruben Onsu.

On the other hand, it was revealed that at that time it was not only Ruben Onsu who approached Sarwendah, but Boy William. In his personal video, Boy admitted that he was annoyed with Ruben Onsu for overtaking him in approaching Sarwendah.

Less than a year of dating, Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah got engaged in 2012. They held a pre-wedding photo shoot with a classic theme. They had a wedding on October 22, 2013 which took place in Bali.

From their marriage, the two welcomed the birth of their first child named Thalia on June 5, 2015. Four years later, they were blessed with a second child named Thania who was born on June 5, 2019.

Ruben and Sarwendah shocked the public when they decided to appoint a child named Betrand Peto as the eldest child in their family. Betrand was then issued by his parents to become a professional singer at the age of 18.

In recent months, Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah have rarely performed together. This coincided with the slanted news about Sarwendah and Betrand which the two denied. At one time, Sarwendah admitted that he lived separately with Ruben and brought their children.

Sarwendah admitted that she separated from home because she focused on recovering her health, while Ruben Onsu was busy with his work. They had attended his son's school graduation event, but after that Ruben Onsu filed for Sarwendah's divorce.