DNA Salmon Injection Side Effect: Here's The Medical Explanation

YOGYAKARTA - Ahir-ahhir, there are many therapeutic methods developed to strengthen and renew the structure in the skin. One of them is with a treatment that is currently popular, namely salmon DNA injection. But are there any side effects of salmon DNA injection? Let's find out the answer below!

What Is DNA Salmon Injection?

Injecting salmon DNA is a medical measure carried out by injecting serum or salmon DNA extract under the skin surface. Basically, the salmon DNA extract is taken from salmon sperm which has various active ingredients, such as pure hyaluronic acid and polynucleotides.

Therefore, this beauty procedure is believed to be able to help overcome various skin problems and reduce signs of premature aging in the skin, such as fine lines, dark spots, and wrinkles under the eyes.

Salmon DNA injections are considered safe when performed by quality beauty professionals. Like other medical procedures, some sufferers may experience temporary side effects, such as swelling or bruises at the injection site. This effect may subside within a few days.

Meanwhile, a specialist in skin and genitals, Edwin Tanihaha, explained that generally the DNA Salmonn injection will cause side effects in the form of bulges on the skin that will last in a matter of hours or days.

"Because the ingredients are made from polynucleotide or poly deoxyribonucleotide which can bind water so that a temporary bulge is formed at the beginning of injection, and has hydration effects or moisturizing the skin," explained Edwin, quoted from several sources, Wednesday (24/1/2024).

The lumps are fairly natural and only last within hours. He said the worst lump was about to last a few days later it disappeared. However, if carrying out this treatment and the lump doesn't go away in 3 days, it should consult a doctor who copes with treatment.

Not only that, but Mother also needs to spend quite expensive money to carry out this treatment. Edwin said that the range of expenditure for one treatment is around Rp. 3-7 million, depending on the salmon DNA material, Mother.

DNA Salmon Injection Procedure

Before taking the salmon DNA injection procedure, dermatologists can carry out medical interviews (anamnesis) to recognize the medical history and overall skin condition of patients. Doctors can also carry out an allergic test first to identify whether patients have allergies to certain ingredients.

After that, the doctor can apply hyaluronic acid to the patient's skin surface and wait for approximately 15 days until it reaches the level of moisturized skin. This beauty procedure can be continued by injecting serum or salmon DNA extract into the bed of the patient's skin.

The salmon DNA injection procedure is generally carried out in approximately 1.5 stages within 1'3 weeks to get maximum results.

After taking the salmon DNA injection procedure, patients are advised to avoid taking blood dilution drugs first. Because, taking the drug is known to increase the risk of bruises and post-procedure swelling. Not only that, make sure not to use facial makeup products for 6 hours after injection to avoid the risk of irritation of the skin.

In addition: Kenali 5 Manfaat DNA Salmon untuk Ketanian Kulit Muka untuk menambah rerendensi kita soal metode beauty ini.

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