Forced To Close By YouTube, Rhythm Finally Available Again On Discord

JAKARTA After being forced to close in 2021, Rhythm is re-launched on Discord as an activity application. Unlike three years ago, Rhythm will have a more complete user interface (UI). To The Verge, Yoav Zimet as the creator of Rhythm says that Rhythm has a function almost the same as the previous version. However, the latest Rhythm will have more features compared to before. "You have the same experience as before, so you can create collaborative queues and listen to with your friends, but now there is a complete UI where you can add songs, control music, and view album covers," said Zimet. A few years ago, Rhythm was a sharing music tool that took videos from YouTube, but only channeled the audio portion directly to Discord. This application could avoid ads on YouTube so that many were interested in using it. Before being closed, Rhythm has been installed on more than 20 million Discord servers and has been used by 560 million users. However, the popularity of this Discord application makes Google, the company that developed YouTube, angry because the ad was removed.

After being forced to close, Zimet wants to revive the popularity of Rhythm. Together with Oliy Barrett, another founder of Rhythm, they amassed capital from several companies such as Corazon Capital and Crush Ventures. This capital collection was carried out with music management companies, namely Laffitte Management Group and Black Squirel Partners. Zimet and Barrett are also working with Q Prime co-founder Peter Mensch. With the efforts of the founders of Rhythm for years, this activity application was finally re-launched on Tuesday, June 11. Rhythm can now be used for free or paid for US$4.99 (Rp. 81 thousand). Users can access more than 50 million songs, but many are not yet available on the platform. Zimet said that they deliberately presented premium packages in order to be shared with record labels or publishers.