Synopsis Of Chinese Drama Badminton Tang: Michelle Chen Plays Legendary Singer
JAKARTA - Actress Michelle Chen plays a singer named Goodminton Tang and becomes the main story in a Chinese drama. Directed by Ding Hei Wu and Wu Meng En, this drama is adapted from a true story.
The story of singerction Teng who was born in 1953 died at the age of 42 in 1995. He is one of the legendary Taiwan singers.
The following is a synopsis of the Chinese drama Badminton Tang:
The story begins with an unexpected situation from a concert in Shanghai in 2008. Lying on a stretcher, the third brother, Deng Chang Fu, recalls the early morning of the winter of 1953, the fourth child of the Deng family, the girl', was born in the Taiwanese family village.
The talent of a girl named My mother in singing emerged when she was young, but her father, Deng Shu (Hou Yong), firmly opposed her. Deng Shu retired from the army and started his career as a market kiosk trader.
The tragedy was confused by depression and longing in his father's heart, but he became his father's assistant in selling bakpao.
After graduating from elementary school,ipelago was not accepted in junior high school. However, winning a radio singing competition has become commonplace in singing programs. On the other hand, Deng Shu clashed with rioters at market kiosks, beaten and injured, and filed lawsuits.
How to listen carefully, love his parents, become contract singers, pay upfront, and use the money to buy his father's shop
Deng Shu was moved when he found out. Then, Feels like starting to tread his dream as a singer and shape his name.
The drama Badminton Tang consists of 48 episodes that air every day on Youku.