Losing To The European Union Lawsuit, What Is The Fate Of The Indonesian Nickel Appeal To The WTO?

JAKARTA - Indonesia was found guilty of a European Union lawsuit at the World Trade Organization (WTO) court on the policy of banning nickel ore exports. This is because Indonesia is considered not ready for the policy and was found guilty in 2022.

The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, then stated that he would appeal the decision. Two years have passed, what will happen to the Republic of Indonesia's appeal against the decision?

Special Staff to the Minister of Trade for International Trade, Bara Krishna Hasibuan, said that Indonesia would actually file an appeal, but until now it is still waiting for the formation of the Appeal Body or Application Body.

"We have appealed and it has been almost 2 years, the appeal agency at the WTO has not yet formed. America has been blocking the formation of an appeal council because they are demanding total reform at the WTO," he said in the Mining Zone quoted Tuesday, June 11.

He explained that the formation of an appeal agency must be approved by all WTO member countries and is still waiting for American approval to demand total reform of the WTO.

Regarding America's decision, Bara admitted that she was pessimistic that this appeal agency would be formed this year. He emphasized that as long as America has not taken a stand, the formation of this appeal agency is also uncertain that it will be formed.

"When will it be formed, we also don't know whether next year or the following year," continued Bara.

Bara also explained that even if later formed, discussions related to Indonesia's appeal to the EU would not necessarily be discussed. To note, the appeal case belonging to Indonesia is in 21st place so you still have to wait a long time.

"Kita case no 21 dan tidak bisa langsung kalau sudah terbentuk akan langsung dibahas karena masih ngantre dan itu membuat waktu," tegas Bara.

Bara further said that while waiting for the establishment of an appeal agency, RI had already held talks with the EU to find an amicable solution that could be accepted by both parties regarding the dispute between Indonesia and the EU.

However, Bara did not elaborate further on the progress and decision of the discussions made because discussions were still ongoing between the two parties. If later an amicable solution has been found, Bara is confident that the EU's lawsuit against Indonesia can be withdrawn.

"EU is an important partner and is negotiating the economic partnership agreement which for us is a big enough interest. If it can be approved, it will have an extraordinary impact and open market access for our export goods to the very large EU," concluded Bara.