Idham Masse Firmly Objects To Nafkahi Catherine Wilson Rp700 Million After Divorce

JAKARTA - Catherine Wilson's ex-husband, Idham Masse, was seen being present again at the Depok Religious Court to file an appeal against him.

Idham said the reason he appealed against the woman who was familiarly called Keket was because there were several points decided by the Depok Religious Court that he did not accept.

"The verdict has come out. So the plaintiff's claim (Crypto Wilson) was granted and some were rejected," said Idham Mase when met at the Depok Religious Court, West Java, Monday, June 10.

"I object to several points of the judge's decision. So I came here apart from taking a copy of the verdict, I also filed an appeal," he continued.

One of the points of the panel of judges that was rejected was the past living in which Catherine Wilson demanded Rp800 million from Idham Masse.

"So past earnings were rejected, because I have evidence that I always send it to him (Crypto Wilson)," he said.

Furthermore, Idham explained the reasons he objected to providing mut'ah and only for Keket, where Rp700 million was Rp400 million for mut'ah and Rp300 million for iddah.

"I think it's wrong because it's too much, mut'ah, it's actually just a gift, if the prize's how much I can afford it, that's what I can give. For me, the Rp400 million mut'ah is too big," he explained.

"Well, then it must be paid Rp. 300 million for three months. So Rp. 100 million per month," he continued.

Even so, Idham emphasized that he would still give Catherine Wilson a mut'ah living but according to his abilities.

"The point is I will give you a mut'ah living but not that big, according to my ability," said Idham Mase.