PDIP Affirms Hasto's Cellphone Confiscation Has Nothing To Do With Harun Masiku's Case

JAKARTA - The legal team of the Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto stated that he did not accept the actions of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigator who confiscated Hasto's cellphone and his staff during an examination as a witness in the Harun Masiku case.The items confiscated by KPK investigators today included 2 units of Hasto's cellphone, 1 unit of cellphone belonging to Hasto's staff named Kusnadi, and Kusnadi's savings book.Hasto's attorney, Ronny Talapessi, emphasized that the personal goods confiscated by KPK investigators were not related to the investigation into the Harun Masiku case."It needs to be known to the public that the confiscated items are personal goods. It has nothing to do with the summons or cases being investigated by the Corruption Eradication Commission," said Ronny at the PDIP DPP Office, Central Jakarta, Monday, June 10.According to Ronny, the search and confiscation of Hasto's personal belongings was carried out by trapping. Because, when Hasto underwent an examination, an investigator named Rossa Purbo Bekti said that Kusnadi was summoned by Hasto.It turned out that Kusnadi was summoned to a different investigator's room from Hasto. Investigators immediately searched and confiscated the items that Kusnadi brought, including Hasto's cellphone."Today's summons is a witness summons for Mas Hasto Kristiyanto, how come Kusnadi's brother suddenly sees it as being called in a way that I think is tricked or framed," said Ronny.In addition, Ronny saw an error in writing the minutes of receiving evidence from the confiscation of cellphones and savings books from Kusnadi. In the minutes, Rossa and 2 other KPK investigators, namely Rahmat Prasetyo and M. Denny Arief, wrote on April 23, 2024.Ronny emphasized that the search and confiscation carried out by KPK investigators was a legal crime because there was no permit from the court. According to him, this violates the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP)."The search for Kusnadi's brother has violated Article 33 of the Criminal Procedure Code because there was no determination from the local district court. Then, regarding the confiscation, we think it also violates Article 39 of the Criminal Procedure Code," said Ronny.
Thus, Hasto's legal team plans to report the search and confiscation of personal goods by the KPK investigator to the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas). The legal team will also file a pretrial regarding the action.