PDIP Still Counting Opportunities For Anies In The Jakarta Pilkada

JAKARTA - PDIP DPP chairman Eriko Sotarduga emphasized that his party is still counting the names of the governor candidates who will be carried in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada.

Eriko did not deny that the name of former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan was included in the eight list of recommended governors.

"Jakarta is indeed unique, well, I mentioned 6 names, there are 2 names that have not been mentioned. Yes, that's right, that's one Mr. Anies," said Eriko, Monday, June 10.

Eriko admitted that the presidential candidate number 01 has indeed become a sexy topic of conversation lately. Moreover, the chairman of the PDIP DPP who is also the chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani also called Anies interesting.

"Yesterday, Mr. Anies almost matched the pair 02, well, in (election, red) the president in Jakarta. Right or not? If I'm not mistaken, it's not too far behind. Now this may be his calculation that if for example Mr. Anies is a former partner 01 with us 03, of course his voice is higher than 02," explained Eriko.

However, continued Eriko, his party is still counting on how much opportunity Anies has to win the Jakarta gubernatorial election. Moreover, if you have to pair it with a candidate from PDIP.

"But can the calculation of matematics run like that in Jakarta too? It's not necessarily. If we think well, for example, Mr. Anies is supported by his supporters. Will the PDIP be with the PDIP candidates, for example, with Charles Honoris, for example, right? Now I ask, what supports Mr. Anies will definitely continue to support Pak Anies? Will those who support PDIP certainly support PDIP? Now this is not certain," he explained.

"In true politics, what is impossible is only to bring the dead to life, anything is still possible. But this must be calculated properly. Well, this is what we are calculating properly," said Eriko.