Update your Google Chrome So Your Browsing Gets Faster

JAKARTA - The Chrome browser made by Google often takes up a lot of storage space, making it slow. Addressing the issue, Google rolled out Chrome browser update version 89 for Mac, Windows, and Android.

Through this latest update, Google uses PartitionAlloc to solve the memory consumption problem by Chrome. With the presence of PartitionAlloc, it is claimed to be able to fix those memory-hungry browsers.

For your information, PartitionAlloc is a storage space allocation system that includes latency, security, and efficiency. Google claims that the memory managed to save up to 22 percent in browser updates in Windows 10. Meanwhile, 8 percent for the renderer, with a savings of 3 percent in GPU performance.

Not only that, but Google also said that their Chrome browser is currently "smarter" and able to free up a variety of storage space consumed by the browser by cutting the unused memory in the foreground tab.

"Chrome can now free up (memory) up to 100 MiB per tab, or more than 20 percent on several popular sites," said Mark Chang, Chrome Product Manager, as quoted from 9to5Google, Monday, March 15.

That update also applies to Chrome 89 on macOS. However, the improvements are not as large as those implemented in Windows. On macOS itself, Google claims to reduce memory usage by up to 8 percent.

Apple Energy Impact in terms of tabs in the background can get an increase of 65 percent so that it can help reduce fan noise and heat of Apple computers.

The update for Android is also claimed to be 5 percent more efficient and stable and 7.5 percent faster than before at startup. Meanwhile, the mobile version of Chrome is claimed to be 13 percent better than before by utilizing the Freeze-Dried Tab or its light version.

This lighter version does have a tab-like display for screenshots but can be clicked, zoom, and scrolled. This Freeze-Dried tab is presented by Google to speed up the tab display.