The Objection To His Cellphone Confiscated From The Staff, Hasto Asks The KPK To Postpone Investigations Regarding Harun Masiku

Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto asked the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigators to postpone his examination as a witness regarding the Harun Masiku case today, Monday, June 10. He did not accept it when his cellphone was confiscated by investigators.Hasto in his statement to the media after being questioned said that his cellphone objection was forcibly taken by investigators from a staff member, Kusnadi."In the middle (of the examination, ed) it was then my staff whose name was Kusnadi who he said was called to meet me but then his bag and cellphone on my behalf were confiscated," Hasto told reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Monday, June 10.Hasto claimed to be arguing with investigators about the forced attempt. This is because he did not get the right to be accompanied by a lawyer in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code."And then I finally decided that the examination would be continued on another occasion," he said.Furthermore, Hasto admitted that he was ready to come if summoned for further examination. He remains willing to fulfill his obligations as a citizen.Meanwhile, Patra M. Zein, who is Hasto's attorney, also questioned the confiscation of cellphones by investigators. He said that taking goods by force could actually be done without having to deceive his client's staff.“Investigators may directly ask the person concerned. And the second is of course a note that whatever the law enforcement process must also be in accordance with the procedure, in accordance with the principles of fairness,” said Patra.“Oleh karena itu tentu Pak Hasto tadi sampaikan dia keberatan berdasarkan dan valid. Kenapa enggak diminta langsung? Itu menjadi pertanyaan, apakah ini ya hubungannya dengan satu kewenangan yang sah begitu,” sambung pengacara tersebut.As previously reported, Hasto Kristiyanto, who is the Secretary General of PDIP, will be questioned by the KPK as a witness regarding Harun Masiku. He became the fourth witness to be summoned after pocketing new information.
Meanwhile, Harun Masiku is a suspect in giving bribes to former KPU commissioner Wahyu Setiawan. This gift was given so that he could sit as a member of the DPR through interim shifts (PAW).