Thousands Of Students In China Lecture Entrance Test 'Haunted' By Heat Weather Strikes Exceeding 40 Degrees

JAKARTA - The heat wave in China is expected to spread to the northern region this week. The hot weather shock is estimated to exceed 40 degrees Celsius.

Citing CNN, China's Central Meteorological Authority (NMC) issued an early warning regarding the spread of heat waves in northern China today, Monday, June 10.

The hot temperature in China since Saturday, June 8, has broken the record from previous springes in China.

Government-run local media Global Times reported this early warning published amid tens of thousands of high school graduates (SMA) in China undergoing entrance exams for national universities (Gaokao).

Given this extreme temperature, one of the schools in the Chaoyang district, Beijing, has distributed free ice cream to parents who are outside the gates waiting for their child to be tested.

On Sunday 9 June, seven national meteorological stations announced coastal areas in Shandong Province recorded the highest temperature. Meanwhile, areas in northern Hebei and western Xinjiang temperatures jumped above 40 degrees Celsius or 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

The head of the Weather Forecast at China's National Climate Center, Zheng Zhihai, said most of China's territory is expected to experience hotter temperatures than usual at the moment of the current summer.

Meanwhile, the duration of this hot temperature will be longer than usual.