Mount Semeru Continues To Erupt With Volcanic Ash

LUMAJANG - Mount Semeru, which is on the border of Lumajang Regency with Malang, East Java, continues to erupt by throwing volcanic ash.

The first eruption occurred at 00.03 WIB accompanied by ejection of volcanic ash which was observed as high as 400 meters above the peak, then continued the eruption at 00.50 WIB with a height of 500 meters volcanic ash above the peak.

"Furthermore, the eruption at 02.18 WIB with a height of volcanic ash column was observed at 600 meters above the peak. The ash column was observed to be gray with thick intensity to the southwest," said Mount Semeru Observation Post Officer Ghufron Alwi as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 10.

The highest mountain on the island of Java erupted again at 06:33 WIB with a column of volcanic ash being observed at 300 meters above the peak and not long after the eruption again at 06:50 WIB.

Mount Semeru, which has an altitude of 3,676 meters above sea level, erupted again at 07.14 WIB with an eruption as high as 700 meters above the peak, then successively at 08.27 WIB, 09.50 WIB, and 10.47 WIB, an eruption was observed, but the visual eruption was not observed because it was covered in fog.

"Until noon at 12:02 WIB, there was also an eruption recorded, but the eruption visual was not observed. When the report was made, the eruption was still ongoing," he said.

From Monday morning until noon, there were 10 eruptions of Mount Semeru recorded by officers at the Mount Semeru Observation Post in Sumberwuluh Village, Candipuro District, Lumajang Regency.

Mount Semeru is still on Alert or Level III status, so the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) provides recommendations so that people do not carry out any activities in the southeast sector along Besuk Kobokan as far as 13 kilometers from the summit (the center of the eruption).