Police In Mojokerto Burned By His Wife Polwan To Death

First Brigadier RDW, who was burned by his wife who is also a member of the police, First Brigadier FN, died at Dr Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Hospital, Mojokerto City, East Java, Sunday, June 9.

"The victim with the initials RDW died," said Mojokerto City Police Chief AKBP Daniel S Marduni in his statement, Sunday, June 9.

The victim's body will be taken to the funeral home in Sambong Hamlet, Sumberjo Village, Plandaan District, Jombang Regency, East Java.

"The victim will be buried officially in Jombang, according to his origin," concluded Daniel.

Meanwhile, the wife of Brigadier FN (28) who is also the alleged perpetrator of the burning of the victim is undergoing further investigation by Sub-Directorate IV Unit II Renakta Ditreskrimum Polda East Java.

"This morning the case was transferred to Crime and this afternoon the case was still being held to determine the article," he concluded.