Palestinian Defense Action, Residents Have Time To Pray In The Jakarta Horse Statue Area

JAKARTA - A number of people have started to gather in the Horse Statue area, Central Jakarta to participate in the peaceful demonstration to defend Palestine since 15.00 WIB. The action begins with reading prayers together.

When the call to prayer, Ashar was heard. The Indonesian People's Alliance Committee Defends Palestine stopped the activity for a moment. The participants of the action one by one went out of line, looking for a place to carry out the Asar prayer.

Some people carry out congregational prayers on the edges of the road with several groups. They pray with mineral water that is brought by each and immediately carry out their prayers solemnly.

During the break time, the committee continued to sound the prayer with a loudspeaker from the gathering point of the action at the door of the West Merdeka Cross, the National Monument. Palestinian flags continue to be flown at the gathering point of the action.

Many participants in the action brought their children to participate in this activity. The children seemed enthusiastic about participating in the action.

It is scheduled that a number of figures will fill the oration of the Palestinian defense action today. Among them are PP Muhammadiyay Chairman Din Syamsuddin, Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Hidayat Nur Wahid, to the Secretary General of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Amirsyah Tambunan.

A total of 1,597 personnel were deployed in anticipation of the Palestinian defense demonstration which will take place in the Horse Statue Area, Central Jakarta. The goal is to anticipate things that are not desirable.

Currently, the Medan Merdeka Barat Road and Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan have been closed. Thus, motorized vehicle drivers crossing the Monas area are directed to look for other roads.

Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro appealed to the participants of the Palestinian Defense Action to pay attention to the rights of the community by remaining orderly. So as not to disturb road users in the area.

"Of course you have to pay attention to other community rights, so that the rules in the law on expressing opinions in public, please obey it." he explained.