Family Gathering BNNP Papua On He'cnuk Beach Injros In The Context Of The 2024 HANI Commemoration

JAYAPURA In commemoration of the 2024 International Anti Narcotics Day (HANI), the Papua Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) held a Family Gathering event on He'cnuk Injros beach, Saturday 8 June. This activity began at 09.00 WIT and was led by the Head of the Papua BNNP, Brigadier General Pol. Norman W, SIK, with the participation of the entire family of BNNP Papua employees.

This Family Gathering event aims to establish friendship, togetherness, and strengthen good relations between fellow Papuan BNNP employees and their families. This activity is also expected to strengthen solidarity and cooperation in the work environment of the Papua BNNP.

With this event, BNNP Papua hopes to create a harmonious and full of togetherness work environment, as well as support joint efforts to fight narcotics in Indonesia. Thank you for the participation and support of all parties involved. (ADV)