After Being Asked 55 Questions, The Former Acting Mayor Of Tanjungpinang Involving The Alleged Counterfeiting Of Land Certificates Was Detained
The Bintan Police in Riau detained Hasan (47), the former Acting Mayor (Pj) of Tanjungpinang City, as well as a suspect in the alleged case of forgery of PT. Expipindo Raya land certificate in Sei Lekop Village, Bintan Timur.
"This will make it easier for us if at any time we need information, both as a suspect and as a witness in the case," said the Bintan Police Chief in his statement, Saturday, June 8, confiscated by Antara.
He conveyed the detention of the suspect Hasan after the police underwent an examination of him at the Bintan Police, Friday, June 7 evening.
Hasan was charged with Article 263 of the Criminal Code Juncto Article 55 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 8 years in prison.
"After examining Hasan, investigators immediately carried out the case title and the results were agreed that Hasan could be detained," said the Bintan Police Chief.
Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bintan Police, AKP Marganda Pandapotan, added that during yesterday's examination, Hasan was questioned by 55 questions and gave cooperative information.
The investigators questioned about Hasan's alleged fake letter when he served as the East Bintan sub-district head in 2014.
"After the case was carried out, we concluded that the suspect had fulfilled the elements for detention, so we issued a detention warrant on the same day after the examination was completed," said AKP Marganda.
Previously, in this case, Bintan Police investigators had named and detained two suspects, namely Muhammad Ridwan and the suspect Budiman.
Hasan's detention was related to the two previous suspects who had been detained since May 2024.
"Currently, we are completing the case file according to the instructions of the public prosecutor (JPU), and next week we will send the files of the two suspects back to the prosecutor," said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit.
Kasat added the roles of the three suspects in the alleged forgery of the land certificate, including Hasan as the former East Bintan sub-district head, then Muhammad Ridwan, former Sei Lekop village head, and Budiman honorary Sei Lekop sub-district as well as land gauger.
Meanwhile, Hendi Devitra as the attorney for the Acting Mayor of Hasan admitted that he regretted the decision of the Police Criminal Investigation Unit investigator to detain his client for subjective reasons, such as worrying about running away and eliminating evidence.
In fact, according to Hendi, his client has been very cooperative in fulfilling the summons as well as providing information to police investigators.
"Moreover, our client's capacity as a state civil servant (ASN), so I don't think there will be any attempt to escape or lose evidence," he said.
Hendi continued that he would make efforts to defend Hasan's law, one of which was submitting a request for a suspension of detention to the Bintan Police.
"We as legal advisors certainly have the right to take these legal remedies," he said.