Asking Diaspora Health Workers In China To Return To Indonesia, Ministry Of Health Promises 6 Months To Get Placement

JAKARTA - Director General of Health Workers at the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Arianti Anaya invited the diaspora of health workers (nakes) who are currently in China to return to Indonesia.

Arianti conveyed this when she met about 15 doctors, medical personnel and medical students who are currently working and studying in China.

"So we invite friends who want to go home, that's the first question, do you really don't want to go home? It's better at home alone," said Arianti Anaya in Beijing, China on Friday, June 7, which was confiscated by Antara.

He admitted that in the past it was very difficult for Indonesian health workers to return to work in the country, including the length of registration time and adaptation which even reached 5 years or more.

"Indonesia is currently building in the health sector, an extraordinary effort so that health problems can be resolved, now in 6 months they (the health worker diaspora) must already know where the placement is and they no longer adapt at the university, if they are considered by the collegium to have sufficient competence, only the 'board' test is then appointed to the placement location according to the collegium assessment," explained Arianti.

During the adaptation period, doctors who graduated abroad will also get a salary of two years.

"In the second year, you can practice outside directly, so you can get it from the Ministry of Health's salary and from the private sector," said Arianti.

Arianti said that currently there are 19 diaspora health workers in Indonesia with the new rules, including Chinese graduates.

"Because we want to encourage friends from the diaspora to return to Indonesia and the knowledge gained here can be 'transfer knowledge' to doctors in Indonesia. The thought that foreign doctors are worse must be forgotten, we force senior doctors not to think that way anymore, foreigners, if their competence is needed, we will open up opportunities," said Arianti.

Selain itu, Arianti menerangkan bahwa diaspora nakes dapat mendaftar dulu secara daring di laman dari domisili saat ini, melakukan wawancara daring dan bila sudah mendapat jawaban barulah memproses kepindahan ke Indonesia.

The management of the online documents includes for Registration Certificates (STR), Professional Credit Units (SKP), Practice Permits (SIP). Especially with the new rules, STR for health workers is valid for life and free, while SKP has only been asked to extend the SIP so that there is no interference between professional organizations while in the area still requires a specialist doctor quota, so SIP can be issued.

"So there is no wasted time. We don't want the diaspora to lose money because of the long-winded adaptation. This is a tremendous development and actually when making this regulation there was a lot of conflict, but thank God many doctors are open, including the Indonesian Medical Consil (KKI) also supports, so far 19 doctors are diaspora and waiting for 50 more doctors for board exams," explained Arianti.

Indonesia, according to Arianti, is also building a large-scale international-class hospital in Surabaya, Makassar, the capital city of Nusantara and Papua.

"In addition, the old vertical hospital such as Fatmawati Hospital, Dharmais Hospital, is also being reshuffled massively with sophisticated tools. We have Rp61 trillion in funds that have been repaired to complete tools from hospitals," added Arianti.

Another improvement, said Arianti, is the doctor's remuneration system that competes with overseas hospital remuneration.

"Vvertical hospitals are currently being improved for remuneration, such as RSCM, Fatmawati Hospital, Harapan Kita Hospital, Dharmais Hospital for remuneration can be up to Rp. 300 million, so there is no defeat in Indonesia. The facilities are also good, we invite friends from Diaspora to return and fill the void of doctors in Indonesia," said Arianti.

One of the health workers diaspora in China, Evan, also shared his experiences while attending master and "fellowship" specialist doctors. Evan received a bachelor's degree in medicine from Sam Ratulangi University Manado, a master's degree at Chongqing University (2009-2012) and is currently undergoing an "fellowship" program specialist in arithmetic field at Fuwai Hospital, Beijing.

"I'm in a clinical wing at Fuwai Hospital, and it can be said the number of patients here is terrible because every day there can be 40-50 new patients here, so I entered at 08.00 and just finished at 23.00," said Evan.

He also admitted that he had been trusted by his supervisory professor to handle patients directly, especially because of the large number of patients.

"When asked whether I want to return to Indonesia or not, of course I want to return, but the experience here is also very valuable," said Evan.