PDIP Claims There Has Been Communication With PKB Regarding Kans Usung Anies Baswedan In The Jakarta Gubernatorial Election

JAKARTA - Chairman of the PDI-P DPP (PDIP) Ahmad Basarah admitted that there had been discussions with the National Awakening Party (PKB) regarding cooperation in the Jakarta gubernatorial election.

Informally, the conversation to carry Anies Baswedan has been carried out with PKB General Chair Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin.

"Earlier in informal talks I also conveyed with Mr. Muhaimin Iskandar, it is possible that we will carry out political cooperation in the Jakarta Regional Police," Basarah told reporters in the Jalan Raden Saleh area, Central Jakarta, Saturday, June 8.

"If it is possible that PKB will carry Mr. Anies Baswedan as a candidate for the Governor of DKI Jakarta, then when our cooperation with PKB is realized in the Jakarta Pilkada," he continued.

Basarah also mentioned that there is a possibility that PDIP will pair Anies with a candidate for deputy governor from within itself. However, until now there has been no final decision regarding the Jakarta Pilkada.

"It is very possible that the discussion regarding political cooperation regarding the candidates promoted from PKB, in this case Mr. Anies Baswedan, will be discussed with a candidate that we may carry from the PDI-P," said the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR.

However, his party is still waiting for political dynamics in the future. But we are open to being able to cooperate with political parties anywhere in the context of regional elections," he said.

As previously reported, PDIP has prepared a number of names to run in the Jakarta gubernatorial election as a governor candidate. One of them is the former TNI Commander (Ret.) Andika Perkasa who has become a member of the party bearing the bull symbol.

This figure is called the Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto received positive responses from cadres. The proof is that there are those who are boisterous about welcoming Andika when introduced at the PDIP V National Working Meeting.

"When the mother announced that Mas Andika Perkasa, the former TNI Commander joined the PDI Pemargi, the response was also very broad," Hasto told reporters quoted on Friday, June 7.

"So that dynamically political mapping continues and the party also consolidates all staff so that when the decision appears, everything immediately moves," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding Anies' name, the chairman of the PDIP DPP, Puan Maharani, called him an interesting figure. So, there are considerations to carry the former Governor of DKI Jakarta.

"Mbak Puan yesterday stated that Mas Anies was interesting, then Mas Pramono Anung's name appeared, who did have extensive experience and still represented young people as well," said Hasto.