Departing For Hajj For 17 Days, Nagita Slavina Cries Leaving Rayyanza And Rafathar
JAKARTA - The couple Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina will soon carry out the Furoda Hajj and will depart on Saturday, June 8 tomorrow with 10 other groups. Raffi revealed that he had often intended this pilgrimage but could only leave this year.
Even so, he hopes that after carrying out this pilgrimage he and his family can become even better figures because the moment of Hajj is a sacred moment.
"The small heart of every human being wants to go for Hajj, Umrah. Whatever it is, it can be prayed for and be even better. Because Hajj is a sacred thing," said Raffi Ahmad in the BSD area, Tangerang, Friday, June 7.
Raffi and Nagita will carry out this pilgrimage for 17 days. Knowing this, Raffi revealed that Nagita had cried because she had to leave her two children, Rafathar and Rayyanza.
"I really don't know anything. So I'm sincere. For the past week I've been istigfar, I keep praying. If my wife continues to cry because Rayyanza and Rafathar don't come," explained Raffi Ahmad.
Seeing this, Nagita Slavina admitted that she was grateful that her two children had been given an understanding long ago regarding their departure. "Alhamdulillah, the children have been informed from a long time ago. Incidentally, Rayyanza has been known to manasik, so I already know," said Nagita Slavina.