11 Migrant Bodies Floating In Libya's Offshore Sea Evacuated

JAKARTA - Rescue ships found 11 migrant bodies on the offshore sea of Libya after rescuing more than 160 people from a ship close to the North African nation, the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) group said.

The MSF said the search and rescue ship Geo Barents picked up 146 migrants in two operations and then found 20 other migrants on separate ships. However, they also evacuated the bodies of 11 people who were spotted by reconnaissance planes floating at sea.

"We don't know the exact cause of this tragedy, but we know that many people continue to die in a desperate attempt to achieve safety. This massacre must end," MSF said via social media platform X.

The Sea Watch group, whose planes saw the body, said they were trying to contact the Libyan coast guard to go and evacuate the dead, but did not get an answer. "This is what happened in the Mediterranean, even when no one saw it," he said in a statement.

The United Nations has recorded more than 20,000 deaths and disappearances of people in the central Mediterranean since 2014. This condition makes it the most dangerous migrant crossing site in the world.

Italy urged Tunisia and Libya to do more to stop prospective migrants from going to sea.

They also restricted the rescue ship's operations, saying the ship was encouraging people to go to Europe a charge the charity denies.