Tessa Mahardika Becomes KPK Spokesperson, Ali Fikri Opens Voice: Suddenly But Leadership Authority
JAKARTA - Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri is efficient about the appointment of Tessa Mahardika as a spokesman to replace her position. He only said the process occurred suddenly.
"I can't comment on this. The information I got was sudden but it was of course entirely the authority of the leadership," Ali told reporters in a written statement, Friday, June 7.
Ali said he obeyed the rules as a KPK employee. As long as the process is correct because after all the KPK is a role model for other institutions so there must be transparency in every work," he said.
In the future, Ali said that he would be tasked with formulating a KPK communication strategy. The focus is as the head of the news department.
"The eradication of corruption must continue and thank you to our media friends for their support for the KPK and the eradication of corruption," he said.
"We stay together and I return to the kitchen to guard the KPK's communication strategy as the head of the news department," continued the employee with the prosecutor's background.
As previously reported, the KPK appointed Tessa Mahardika Sugiarto, a former investigator as a spokesman for the institution. KPK's interim chairman Nawawi Pomolango said this appointment was a form of refreshment and provided opportunities for employees who had the ability.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Johanis Tanak claimed that the appointment was in accordance with the rules. There is an internal selection carried out.
"Yes (the selection is internal, red). We follow the rules that apply to ASN," Johanis said when confirmed by VOI, Friday, June 7.
Johanis said that currently KPK employees have become state civil servants (ASN) based on Law Number 19 of 2019. Thus, every applicable provision must be followed.
"The selection has been carried out in accordance with applicable regulations for ASN because KPK employees have become ASN since the enactment of Law Number 19 of 2019 concerning amendments to the KPK Law," he said.