Accelerate Development In Papua, Vice President Emphasizes 4 Strategic Messages

JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin emphasized four strategic messages in an effort to accelerate development in Papua.

This was said by the Vice President in his remarks at the launch of the Papua Development Acceleration Master Plan (RIPPP) and the Papua Development Acceleration Information System (SIPP) in Sorong City, Southwest Papua, Friday, June 7.

First, the Vice President asked that the design of comprehensive programs that had a direct impact on improving people's welfare within the framework of the 2022-2041 Papua Development Acceleration Master Plan (RIPPP) be prepared and implemented.

"Make sure the planning and budgeting of these programs are carried out by considering the needs of the OAP community (Indigenous Papuans) and focusing on efforts to improve the quality of education, reduce extreme poverty, and reduce stunting so as to be able to improve the standard and quality of life of the Papuan people," said the Vice President, quoted by Antara.

The Vice President also emphasized that efforts to implement these programs need to be supported by strengthening coordination, synergy, collaboration, and cooperation between the central government, local governments, the private sector, and the community.

Then second, the Vice President hopes that the use of SIPP will be optimized.

According to the Vice President, SIPP is not only a tool in monitoring and evaluating the acceleration of development and special autonomy for Papua, but also as a driver of consolidation, synchronization, and harmonization steps for all integrated Papuan development planning data and information.

Furthermore, third, the Vice President hopes that there will be an expansion of OAP's involvement in the preparation of an action plan for the acceleration of Papua every period to ensure the accommodation of the aspirations and needs of the Papuan people.

Finally, the Vice President hopes that the ongoing process of accelerating development can run effectively and sustainably.

"I hope that all stakeholders can carry out this task with full responsibility and integrity," said the Vice President.

Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa, who was also present at the launch, explained that the preparation of the 2022-2041 RIPPP which was coordinated by the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas was mandated by Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua Provinces.

"This master plan was prepared together with ministries/agencies, local governments, and Papuan community leaders which are integrated plans between sectors and regions that prioritize good financial management principles. Currently, the RIPPP has been designated as Presidential Regulation Number 24 of 2023," said Suharso in his presentation.

To support the synergistic planning, said Suharso, according to the mandate of Presidential Decree No. 24 of 2023, the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas together with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Secretariat of the Vice President and local governments need to develop SIPP.

"For this reason, the launch of RIPPP for 2022-2041 and SIPPP is an important stage of Papua's development," he said.