How Long Is The Light Stroke Healing? Here's The Complete Explanation

YOGYAKARTA A stroke occurs when a part of the brain does not receive enough blood due to blockages or arteries leading to a part of the brain rupture. Strokes include the cause of defects and number five deaths in the United States. Based on the results of Riskesdas, the prevalence of stroke in Indonesia increased 56 percent from 7 per 1000 population in 2013. In 2018, prevalence increased to 10.9 per 1000 population. Strokes also include the second most expensive spending disease in recovery and treatment.

After a person has a mild stroke, he needs one or more therapy for recovery. Patients also need medicine to overcome the underlying conditions, aids, or recovery. For someone who has had a mild stroke that causes damage to the brain, it requires less therapy and more quickly recovers. But of course it is influenced by a number of factors that support healing.

One of the rehabilitation therapy aims to help someone return to learning skills that may be lost due to brain damage due to stroke. The second goal is to help prevent the person from experiencing medical complications, such as urinary tract infection, pneumonia, or injury due to falling. Rehabilitation therapy includes speech therapy, therapy doing certain work, physical therapy, psychotherapy, recreational therapy, and therapy that helps use his spare time and improve his health, quality of life, and independence.

What therapy needs to be done, usually determined by the treating doctor. During and after therapy, a person may need a tool. Such as mobility tools, such as sticks, crackers, walking aids, or other tools that prevent falling. Therapy with the help of technology, maybe can also be done. Among them includes virtual reality, certain programs on computers, and robotic devices.

Devices that use electroencephalography, for example. This device non-invasively sends signals from the brain to the tablet and then conveys to the electronic device which then helps carry out the desired movement. To use it, people need a prescription. This means that it may not be suitable for everyone who has had a stroke.

For treatment, it must be done according to the advice of the doctor who handles it. Usually the drug is prescribed, in the form of antitromotics and thrombolytics that dissolve or break blood clots. These drugs can also help prevent and treat strokes.

In addition to therapy and treatment, a person who has just recovered from a stroke and those closest to him can also take certain therapies or courses related to treating stroke patients. For example, knowledge of nutrition, counseling, social work, stroke support groups, and education programs.

So after undergoing therapy for recovery, a mild stroke can recover and how long does it take? The recovery time of stroke varies widely with each person. One can start rehabilitation services within 2 days after stroke. This rehabilitation service is available in the hospital. The length of recovery, can last for several weeks to years. Some people have fully recovered from mild stroke. But there are also those who may be disabled for life.

Factors that affect the length of recovery of minor strokes and can fully recover or not, including age, severity of brain damage. In addition, according to Medical News Today, Friday, June 7, the severity of medical conditions, cooperation of friends and family, their level of vigilance during rehabilitation, intensity of rehabilitation programs, home environment and work for safety issues also affects the length of time for patients with mild stroke to recover.