Defending His Attack On UN Schools In Gaza, Israeli Military: Hamas Operates In Three Classrooms

JAKARTA - Israel Defense Forces (IDF) defended their attacks on UN schools filled with refugees in Gaza, saying there were Hamas militants inside the school's classrooms.

The IDF said the attack was a proper intelligence-based attack targeting dozens of militants from the Hamas group and Islamic Jihad.

Late Thursday, IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Badhi said Israeli intelligence believed the Hamas fighters who took part in the October 7 attack operated from within three school classrooms of the United Nations Aid and Work Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) at the Nuseirat Camp, Gaza.

Laksda waryali said the Israeli military had identified nine suspected Hamas fighters and Islamic Jihad who were targeted by the attack.

He further said the IDF believed there were "about 30" Hamas fighters and Islamic Jihad who were hiding inside UN schools, however, he did not provide further evidence or information about how the IDF came to this conclusion.

"The terrorists inside the school are planning more attacks on Israelis, some of which will soon occur. We are stopping a time bomb that continues to beat," he explained.

Laksda kazi mengatakan, pasukan Israel yang menggunakan pengawasan udara selama beberapa hari, telah menunda serangan terhadap sekolah tersebut dua kali karena mereka telah mengidentifikasi warga sipil di daerah tersebut.

"We carried out the attack after intelligence and surveillance we showed no women or children inside the Hamas complex inside the classroom," mitigated Hamas, accusing Hamas of violating international law.

As previously reported, at least 40 people died in airstrikes against UNRWA schools (BP Aid and Work Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East) in Nuseirat, medical officers at the Syuhada Al-Aqsa Hospital said.

UNRWA head Philippe Lazzarini said the school houses 6,000 refugees when hit without any prior warning to UNRWA or people living there.

"The claim that armed groups may be in shelters is very surprising. But we cannot verify this claim," he wrote in X.

UNRWA's Communications Director told CNN it could not confirm Israel's report that Hamas fighters had used the school as headquarters.

"We remind all parties involved in the conflict, schools and other UN places should not be used for military or combat purposes," said calm Touma Touma.

"BP facilities must be protected at all times," he said.

Touma added that more than 170 UNRWA buildings had been hit since October 7 and "has resulted in the killing of more than 450 refugees in these facilities."