The Story Of The Russian Women's Kepincut US Army, Violates Pentagon Rules Until They Are Tried For Threatening To Kill Their Girlfriend

JAKARTA - Gordon Black, a United States (US) soldier stationed in South Korea but detained in Russia on suspicion of stealing his girlfriend's money and threatening to kill him began trial.

State news agency RIA reported Gordon Black was detained on May 2 in Vladivostok in eastern Russia on suspicion of stealing from his girlfriend, a Russian citizen. Citing local prosecutors, Russia's independent media reported Black was also later charged with threatening to kill him.

Black, a US Army chief of staff stationed at Campfoams outside Seoul, pleaded guilty to the theft in May, RIA reported at the time, citing interior ministry officials.

When his trial in Vladivostok began, Black claimed to understand the charges against him and agreed to testify.

When the judge asked if he pleaded guilty, RIA quoted Black as saying he would file a defense later.

The interior ministry said Black met the Russian woman in South Korea and then traveled to Vladivostok to meet her.

The Pentagon said Black had violated military regulations by traveling to Russia without permission, and passing through China.

The United States has warned its citizens against traveling to Russia, citing the "potential abuse and exclusion of US citizens to be detained by Russian government security officials". Russia says the Black case has no political element.

Black's wife, Megan Black, who is in charge of divorce with her, and her motherlony Jones told Reuters last month she and the Russian woman had a violent relationship.

While giving testimony in court on Thursday, June 6, Black's girlfriend said she often received violence.

Prosecutors said the couple had an argument and Gordon Black then "forcedly grabbed the girl's neck, which she considered a real threat to her life".

Black was later charged with stealing 10.000 rubles (USD 110) from his wallet and leaving the apartment with them, according to media reports.

Black was later arrested at a local hotel where he bought a plane ticket and intended to fly back to the US.