KPLP Value Observer Of The Ministry Of Transportation Institution Has The Right To Conduct Investigations At Sea

JAKARTA - Observer Soleman B Ponto assesses that according to Law No. 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping, the Marine and Coast Guard Unit (KPLP) is an institution that has the right to investigate at sea, so all parties should return to the provisions as a legal basis.

This was conveyed in response to the polemic regarding who was entitled to carry out investigations and prosecutions for violations in the shipping world again.

"There (Law No. 17) it has been regulated that if there is a ship violation, the law enforcement is in accordance with the Criminal Code (KUHP) which conducts investigators, it is PPNS or Civil Servant Investigators. Then at the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation, the PPNS is the Directorate of Marine and Coast Guard Units (KPLP), it is clear in accordance with the laws in this country," said Soleman as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 6.

He explained that regarding the problem of law enforcement at sea, it must be underlined that under the sea which violates the law of people or ships, the fleet must be ships.

If you talk about the violation, it has been regulated by Law (UU) No. 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping.

He emphasized that if everyone is still obedient to the applicable law, then it is impossible for other parties to take the role of enforcing the law at sea other than what is mandated by Law 17 of 2008.

Soleman doubts that the wishes of some parties who want to change the law are aimed at taking the function of investigation and law enforcement of ships at sea.

Because, you will lose if you do a judicial review.

In addition, he said, in the laws and regulations, it is clear that the main tasks of the ministry that takes care of the marine are the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) and the ministry that manages Shipping, namely the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub).

Where it has been mandated to the KPLP to oversee shipping.

According to Soleman, the role of KPLP has now been recognized by the international community.

The proof is that the KPKP has represented Indonesia in the Regional Marine Pollution Exercise (Marpolex) which will be held in Bacolod City, Philippines, June 24-29, 2024.

"As is well known, the Marpolex Region is a joint exercise between Indonesia, the Philippines and Japan, which focuses on dealing with oil spills at sea," he said.

The international world recognizes an organization that they will see no arbitrary legal basis and applicable laws where they see Law no. 17 of 2008. Not only in Marpolex whose coverage is regionally Asean and Asia, even recently the US Cost Guard visited the KPLP office to discuss training and technology cooperation in the fields of marine and coastal security," he said.