Inspection Of Imported Goods Warehouse In Serang, Trade Minister Zulhas For Illegal Electronic Products Worth IDR 6.7 Billion

SERANG - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) found imported electronic products that were not in accordance with the rules of 40,282 units in the Serang area, Banten. In fact, the value is estimated to reach Rp6.7 billion.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan during an inspection of the warehouse in the PT Global Mitra Intitama (GMI) area, Serang, Banten.

"Well, today we found 40,282 pieces with a value of Rp. 6.7 billion. This is an entry value, a purchase value, if the selling value is different again," he said while reviewing the results of the supervision, in Serang, Banten, Thursday, June 6.

The man who is familiarly called Zulhas said the tens of thousands of items confiscated ranged from fans, hair dryers or menstruation dyers to speakers or loudspeakers of various sizes.

In the findings of the Ministry of Trade, continued Zulhas, these electronic items did not meet the provisions for registration for security, safety, health and the environment (K3L). Then, use instructions and security cards (MKG).

In addition, these items also do not have a certificate for using the Indonesian national standard sign (SNI), as well as the goods registration number (NPB).

"There are nine types of electronics that do not meet SNI, K3L and MKG, yes. Therefore, we must regulate this," he said.

Zulhas said that business actors who import these items will be sanctioned by the administration in the form of a warning letter.

However, if the perpetrator is found to have violated again, his business license will be revoked.

"Of course you are reminded, destroyed, if you are still stubborn, of course it will be revoked. We will let you know, maybe (he) made a mistake, maybe he was wrong," he explained.