7 Causes Of Abdominal Bloating

JAKARTA - When the stomach feels unusual, of course, you need to immediately know the cause. When you burp, the stomach feels full, tight, and farting constantly are the characteristics of abdominal bloating. Have you ever felt this way?

Actually, the stomach feels like it is so hard and it is a normal reaction after eating. Although the cause is not dangerous, it is important to recognize that you do not feel discomfort in the stomach to interfere with activities.

Reporting from Medical News Today, Sunday, March 14, several types of food do cause the effects of gas and bloating. Besides that, know the 7 causes of abdominal bloating below.

Build up of Gas

The most common cause of stomach upset is experiencing a buildup of gas in the stomach. It feels like catching a cold but the stomach is full. This means that the cause is not only the incoming air but the production of gas by certain types of food.

This is not a dangerous thing, because it triggers excess gas production, reactions of the digestive organs, and is triggered by types of foods that contain fiber and fat.


If you don't eat foods containing fiber, you will obstruct bowel movements or experience constipation. Constipation is one of the causes of abdominal bloating. Characteristics, the stomach feels full, hard, and thirsty.

Food intolerance

Not only babies who are breastfed, but adults are also often intolerant of foods containing lactose or gluten. Lactose and gluten can be the cause of abdominal bloating, especially for those of you who are intolerant of these two ingredients.

Eating too much

Even large portions and forced to spend could be one of the causes of this. Therefore, consider the portion or size of the stomach according to its capacity. If you order a large portion of food, you can divide the meal.

In addition, consuming large amounts of alcohol can have a negative effect. The stomach feels full, tight, and does not feel good.

Illustration of eating brutally (Freepik/lookstudio)

Digestive infection

Be careful in choosing the type of food, it may still contain bacteria because processing is not perfect. This can make stomach pain, diarrhea, feel like it is up, and have bloody bowel movements.

Digestive problems

Basically, if there is a problem with digestion it can cause discomfort to aching pain. Irritation problems in the intestines of the stomach can also have an effect on feeling up. If you experience prolonged abdominal bloating followed by pain, consult a doctor immediately.

Gynecological disorders

Gynecological problems are common in women with endometriosis. The stomach will be tight, crampy, and so that the appetite decreases dramatically.

If you feel abdominal bloating, identify the cause then if it doesn't heal it is advisable to check to an expert.