Atta-Aurel To Perform Hajj First, Anang-Ashanty When?

Ashanty expressed his sincerity in releasing Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar to carry out the Hajj service first than him and Anang Hermansyah. He felt that this year it had not been a year for him to get a call from God to be able to perform the pilgrimage.

"How much money do you want to have, how much power do you want if God says you haven't been called, so I haven't," said Ashanty, quoted by VOI from TikTok Aurel Hermansyah, Thursday, June 6.

Ashanty admitted that he actually planned to perform the fourth Hajj with Atta, Aurel, and Anang. Unexpectedly, it turned out that Aurel and Atta had the opportunity to leave first.

Seeing this, Ashanty immediately asked his daughter to immediately take the opportunity that other people could not get.

"It's like we plan to go out in four next year, suddenly they get a call to go first this year, I immediately 'let's go' because not necessarily next year there is something wrong," said Ashanty.

"We never know that. So when there is a hajj call as soon as possible and can really leave, go," he said.

He hopes that in this worship, his son and son-in-law can carry out their worship well, everything goes smoothly and can overcome all obstacles by increasing patience.

"Focus on worship, hopefully it will run smoothly, hopefully brother and brother there will be obstacles or whatever there are many istigfars there. Because there, in Arafah, the place of prayer is the most mustajab, so just focus on praying and praying," he said.