KPI Summons RCTI Which Broadcasting Aurel-Atta's Proposal Live

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) summoned the RCTI television station, which broadcast a procession of applications for celebrities Arta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah, Saturday, March 13.

The summons is scheduled through a letter that will be sent by KPI to broadcasting institutions, namely RCTI, on Monday, March 15.

The Coordinator of KPI's Broadcast Content Monitoring, Mimah Susanti, said that there have been many complaints from the public regarding the broadcast of the event.

"KPI has received complaints from the public through suggestions that the complaints will be followed up by KPI as stipulated in the law. The process is ongoing, on Monday, God willing, the letter has been sent," said Mimah when contacted by VOI, Sunday, March 14.

KPI, continued Mimah, is waiting for confirmation of the willingness of RCTI representatives to attend. KPI asked for an explanation of the live broadcast of the proposal of Anang Hermansyah and Krisdayanti's daughter, Aurel.

"We are still waiting for confirmation of the presence of the relevant television station. Later we will ask for an explanation of the broadcast programs, including the program schedule in the form of a pamphlet," explained Mimah.

He emphasized that there would be sanctions if violations were found. But KPI is still waiting for RCTI's clarification before making a decision in a plenary meeting.

"Later, let us give an opportunity to broadcasters to provide an explanation of the broadcast. After that, we will plenary the results of the information to make a decision," said Mimah.

Previously, the National Coalition for Broadcasting Reform (KNRP) rejected the form of broadcasting weddings and artist proposals on television. Such broadcasts are said to violate people's rights to higher quality content.

Meanwhile, Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah shared why the program was broadcasted live on television. They argued that the live broadcast was done at the request of the television station.

"At first, not all of the procession, it's just a sudden request from the TV, 'do you want this?' alright then," said Atta Halilintar in a proposal press conference at the Intercontinental Hotel, Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, Saturday, March 13.

"At first we just wanted to YouTube, vlogged our important event. Suddenly there was a good offer. Maybe the live session was for the marriage reception or contract, suddenly the TV asked for the shower ritual, asked for everything, alright then. It's unintentional" he continued.

Regarding criticism and being considered an inadequate broadcast, Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah did not want to bother. Aurel allows people's opinions to judge her proposal program.

"Yes let it be, okay, the meaning is, just watch if you want. Don't watch if you don't want. We are never complicated," replied Aurel Hermansyah.