Airin Claims PPKM Successfully Reduces The Spread Of COVID-19 In South Tangerang

JAKARTA - The Mayor of South Tangerang, Airin Rachmi Diany, supports the extension of the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) on a micro-scale. She claimed that the micro-scale PPKM was effective in suppressing the spread of COVID-19.

"This policy is effective in dealing with the spread of the pandemic," Airin said in her statement, Sunday, March 14.

Airin said that the City of South Tangerang (Tangsel) had the status of the yellow zone from what was previously in the "orange" zone. According to her, this was due to the implementation of micro-scale PPKM.

However, according to Airin, all parties must not be careless in always implementing the 5M health protocol.

"We must continue to focus on working and strive to achieve a green zone and even make South Tangerang free from COVID-19," she said.

Airin explained that the micro PPKM concept which emphasizes supervision at the Neighbourhood Association (Rukun Tetangga/RT) level makes the handling mechanism more efficient and focused. With this more focused step, she said, activities in other fields that support the movement of the economy can be carried out.

"Our principle is on the one hand how the pandemic can be handled and on the other hand, the economy can work. This micro-scale PPKM fits perfectly with this concept," she explained.

It is known, the central government has decided to extend the micro-scale PPKM from 9 to 22 March 2021.