Buru Police 'Icha Shalika' Spreads Mother And Child Immoral Videos, FB Accounts Are Not Active Since June 2023

JAKARTA - The police are hunting for the user of the Facebook account 'Icha Shalika' who is suspected of spreading immoral videos between suspect R and his biological child. Although, the account has been inactive since June 2023.

"What we can say is that for the time being this account is already dead. So since June 2023, a few moments after maybe sharing the video on social media, the account is dead," said Deputy Director of Special Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya, AKBP Hendri Umar to reporters, Wednesday, June 5

The inactivated account is undeniable to be one of the difficulties to track down the user.

However, investigators will continue to investigate it based on the evidence that has been collected at this time.

"We are still in the process of developing or further investigation of our personnel by using the evidence that is currently available to find out and identify who owns this IS account," said Hendri.

Investigators are also investigating R's cellphone to prove whether or not there is any lure from the user of the 'Icha Shalika' account behind the abuse of his biological child.

"We are currently examining the digital forensic laboratory of the Polda Metro Jaya to see the cellphone device of the alleged perpetrator," said Hendri.

Meanwhile, R surrendered to the South Tangerang Police. Then, the Polda Metro Jaya picked him up. Now, the woman has also been named a suspect.

Based on the examination, R admitted that he was forced to harass his biological child due to threats from the user of the 'Icha Shalika' account.