KLJ, KAJ And KPDJ Haven't Disbursed Yet, DKI Social Service Gives Explanation

Head of the DKI Jakarta Social Service, Premi Lasari, explained the issue of social assistance for meeting basic needs (PKD) that had not yet been disbursed.

The uncertainty over the disbursement of the Jakarta Elderly Card (KLJ), Jakarta Children's Card (KAJ), and Jakarta Disability Card (KPDJ) has been complained of by many people.

They flooded the comments column of the DKI Jakarta Social Service Instagram account to ask about the disbursement of the social assistance.

"Currently, it is still an administrative stage and the creation of a BUrekol (collective account opening) for new social assistance recipients," said Premi in a short message, June 5.

Premi did not explain the certainty of the time for the disbursement of the social assistance. The DKI Provincial Government, he continued, will disburse it after the administrative process for 73,790 new recipients of social assistance in 2024 has been completed.

"Currently, the administration process and Burekol are ongoing," he said.

Disbursement of PKD social assistance is distributed through Bank DKI ATMs. KLJ recipients receive cash assistance of IDR 600 thousand per month, while KAJ and KPDJ recipients receive IDR 300 thousand per month.

Premi promised that DKI Jakarta Social Service would top up funds for existing recipients of Phase I for four months.

Then, Bank DKI will also distribute ATM cards for new beneficiaries, which will be summoned twice on weekdays and weekends, from the fourth week of June 2024 to the second week of August 2024.

Existing beneficiaries Phase II and new beneficiaries will receive a top up fund based on a report on the distribution results from Bank DKI for six months, from January to June 2024.

"The provision of KLJ, KPDJ, and KAJ social assistance is in accordance with the allocation of funds that have been set in the 2024 budget year APBD. We also continue to verify and validate the field to ensure the feasibility of beneficiaries," he added.