Rosmini's Current Condition Mrs. Viral Angry Asking For Alms At RPJ Cianjur

CIANJUR - West Java Provincial Social Service, entrusted Rosmini (56), a mother who went viral, because of the angry action when asking for alms in several cities in West Java, for her mental recovery to the Cianjur Mental Recovery House (RPJ).

Chairman of the Rumah Pulih Jiwa Foundation, Rukman Samsudin in Cianjur, Wednesday, said that Rosmini was entrusted by the service five days ago, filled with excessive emotions, even when approached by officers, refused and was suspicious of taking action against her.

"Rosmini initially came to us with anger and anger when approached by officers, and did not even want to be spoken to, but gradually his emotional condition began to be controlled and began to mingle with other patients and officers," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 5.

Until the fifth day, Rosmini was calmer, but often reprimanded when asked to speak, because so far she felt wronged by using her unnamed enemy.

His party will coordinate with a psychiatrist regarding Rosmini's condition, because there is a medical record from a psychiatric hospital in Bogor, while using a hypnotized method or other method of mental recovery that is often carried out on other people with mental disorders (ODGJ).

"We have implemented a number of methods to restore psychology for ODGJ who are undergoing treatment here, including Rosmini, since the last two days they have been able to communicate well even though they have not calmed down for a long time," he said.

Meanwhile, Rosmini admitted that she came from Palembang and had lived abandoned on the road for 14 years, and even walked away while asking for alms to come to Central Java and Sumatra.

Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk melepaskan guna-guna yang diberikan musuhnya, termasuk meminta alms untuk membayar kedzoliman yang menimpa dirinya, sehingga dirinya dapat pulang kembali ke kampung halannya di Palembang untuk bertemu keluargannya.

"It was like I was prevented from going home and couldn't see my family. I asked for alms to be angry, because those who like to provoke emotions don't even give away," he said.

Reported in a number of areas in West Java, such as Bandung, Cianjur, Bogor, Sukabumi, and Depok, it was shocked by the actions of the beggar mother who was angry when she was not given alms, she even scolded everyone who approached her even though she had given alms.