6 Reasons Behind The Difficulty Of Releasing From Toxic Relations

JAKARTA - Making toxic relationships with someone can cause you to sacrifice a small part of yourself until in the end it is difficult to recognize yourself. Gradually, you will lose self-respect, intuition, and self-confidence. Toxic relationships not only describe the incompatibility between you and your partner. But it can also cause loss of identity in order to maintain a relationship.

Usually when it's like this, someone will feel reluctant to leave the relationship. A number of reasons, ranging from difficulty moving on to being trapped too far in it, are also the cause. Apart from that, there are also several other reasons. Let's see more as reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, June 5.

Toxic relationships have non-permanent dynamics. Sometimes relationships feel fun, other times it's sad. When you're above, your mood increases, and vice versa if you're at the bottom.

The ups and downs of this feeling will be considered a strong passion and chemistry. And, when the emotional rollercoaster ends instead of feeling relieved you actually miss the moments of the fight. Until in the end you depend on the ups and downs of emotions with him.

For many people, the difficulty of moving on from unhealthy relationships can remind them of past wounds. Whether rooted in past heartbreak or painful experiences in childhood, unhealthy relationships can be a reminder of the pain that has been experienced.

Toxic relationships often make a person question and doubt yourself. If you don't feel accepted by your partner, but instead underestimate and judge yourself. Over time can actually eliminate self-confidence.

Toxic relationships usually erode self-esteem over time, and as a result you start relying on your partner to get validation. The escape from this dynamic forces you to face the weak side of yourself and the opinions you have about yourself.

In a toxic relationship, you will be blamed for the destruction of the relationship. You seem to find it difficult to defend yourself and accept all the accusations given to you. Over time, you will be asked to take responsibility for other people's actions.

If you've been involved in toxic relationships before, it's likely that people who care about you (if they know what's going on) express their concern. If these concerns are not addressed, it might cause a rift between you and your friends or family.

If the former is manipulative, controls, or underestimates and you are still in touch with him or following him on social media. Then he will involve you again in the dynamics of the toxic relationship. J

If you are in a vulnerable state of mind, this can be a reminder of the relationship you have. It also makes you maintain false hopes that one day you and the one you will reconnect. In the end, keeping in touch with your ex or interacting with him on social media can hinder the process of moving on.