Dozens Of Residents In Sekarwangi Sukabumi Food Poisoning

SUKABUMI - Dozens of residents of Sekarwangi Village, Sukabumi Regency, West Java are suspected of having food poisoning after eating food distributed by a resident who held a thanksgiving.

"From the data collection we carried out together with health workers from the Public Health Center and the Sukabumi District Health Office, the number of residents who experienced symptoms of poisoning for the time being, 68 people came from Kiwul and Cimonyet Villages, Cibadak District," said Chairman of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Sukabumi Regency, Hondo Suwito, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 4.

Information from PMI volunteers and health workers, this poisoning began when dozens of residents attended a thanksgiving event in Cikiwul Village, RW 02, Sekarwangi Village. Residents are given packaged rice by the organizers.

However, at night or around 19.00 WIB, one by one residents who are suspected of eating the dish experience symptoms of poisoning such as complaining of nausea, vomiting and experiencing continuous urination (BAB).

It turned out that a similar symptom was experienced by dozens of other residents, who so far there are 68 people suspected of having been poisoned and all of whom were referred to the Sekarwangi Hospital in Cibadak because their health conditions continued to decline and were weak.

PMI Sukabumi Regency deployed an ambulance and medical team to deal with poisoned residents and assist health workers from the puskesmas and Health Office to evacuate victims to the hospital.

"It is possible that the number will continue to grow, even residents who have been referred to the Sekarwangi Hospital are still arriving. Those who are referred because of dehydration and their body condition is weak so they need treatment," he said.