BPK Reveals Social Assistance Budget Of IDR 208.52 Billion Has Not Been Returned To The State Treasury

JAKARTA - The National Audit Agency (BPK) in the examination of the management of the ministry's revenue and expenditure and institutions, it was found that the assistance of beneficiary families (KPM) and basic necessities that were declared not to have transacted amounting to Rp208.52 billion had not been returned to the state treasury.

BPK Chairman Isma Yatun conveyed this based on findings in the results of the examination of the management of the ministry/institutional income and expenditure.

"We found that the assistance of the beneficiary families who did not transact worth Rp208.52 billion has not been returned to the state treasury," he said in the results of the 2023 Semester Examination Results (IHPS) II at the DPR RI plenary session, Tuesday, June 4.

In addition, Isma conveyed and the potential for overpayment of Rp166.27 billion and US$153.22 thousand due to the implementation of Capital Expenditures in 2022 and the first semester of FY 2023 did not comply with the provisions.

Quoting the book IHPS Semester II of 2023, explaining the distribution of the Family Hope Program (PKH) and basic necessities of the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) that do not transact are carried out by channeling banks that do not comply with the provisions.

There is a social assistance balance of 365,023 KPMs that have not transacted in the amount of Rp. 208.52 billion, the free balance has not been carried out and returned to the state treasury.

In addition, there were also 71,779 KKS (rich family cards) that were not distributed because the recipients were able to, refused, died, moved, were underage, and were not found at Rp 18.91 billion, which had not been freezed or netted to RPL (other government cards) or returned to the state treasury.

As a result, there is a lack of state revenue for social assistance balances that have not been deposited into the state treasury amounting to Rp227.43 billion. During the inspection process, the Ministry of Social Affairs has followed up by depositing into the state treasury amounting to Rp226.84 billion.

For this problem, BPK recommends the Minister of Social Affairs to order, the Director General of Social Protection and Security (Dirjen Linjamsos) to conduct research on KPM with non-distributable KKS and KPM who do not transact on time according to the provisions.

Then, the channeling bank for freezing/squeezing to the RPL on KKS was not distributed and KPM did not transact and made a return to the state treasury of Rp593.97 million.