Minister Of Health Reminds Health Workers And Named Not To Take Advantage Of Brokers Managing Practices: Permits Will Be Revoked

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) will take firm action against three health workers who are allegedly involved in the practice of brokering to obtain the Professional Credit Unit (SKP) needed in extending the Practice Permit (SIP) every five years. This brokering practice is not only against the law, but also endangers the safety and quality of health services to the public.

Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Health, Tuesday, June 4, the brokering of SKP is becoming increasingly risky with an online-based SKP sustainable learning system update that is more integrated and monitored. Previously, Law No. 17/2023 on Health had reported the rise of brokering practices due to manual systems that are prone to abuse.

Three detected individuals were involved from Jakarta, Semarang, and Surabaya. They take advantage of the identity of medical personnel (named) and other health workers (nakes) to take part in online learning and obtain SKP. This brokering service is even offered openly through social media and WhatsApp groups with certain rewards.

The periodic learning system for obtaining SKP is an important effort in ensuring the quality of health workers in serving the community. However, brokering practices threaten the integrity of this system.

SKP can be obtained through various processes, including continuous learning, seminars, or workshops accredited by the Ministry of Health through the Healthy Plataran.

The Ministry of Health will soon issue stricter supervision regulations related to SKPs, including severe sanctions for brokers. Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin emphasized that the practice permit will be temporarily revoked for 12 months for medical personnel and health workers involved in brokering. If the violation is repeated, the practice permit can be revoked for life.

Named and health workers who are proven to be SKP brokers will be temporarily revoked by STR and SIP for 12 months. If proven to repeat itself twice, STR and SIP will be revoked for life," said Budi Gunadi Sadikin.

Meanwhile, names and health workers who are proven to be using SKP broker services will be temporarily revoked by STR and SIP for six months. If proven to repeat it twice, STR and SIP will be revoked for life," he continued.

In addition to regulatory steps, prevention of brokering practices will also be strengthened through technology. The Healthy Courting System will be equipped with a face recognition verification process in September 2024. During this period, the Ministry of Health will monitor and identify anomalies in online learning.

"The patient's safety is a top priority. This brokering practice not only harms the health profession, but also the community because it has the potential to be served by competent health workers," said Ministry of Health spokesman Mohammad Syahril.