KPU Will Consultant DPR On The Rules For Age Requirements For Candidates For Regional Heads

JAKARTA - Member of the General Election Commission (KPU) Idham Holik said his party would immediately consult with the DPR to amend KPU regulations (PKPU) regarding the minimum age requirements for governor candidates (cagub) and deputy governor candidates (cawagub) in the 2024 Pilkada.

According to Idham, consultation with the DPR was a follow-up to the decision of the Supreme Court (MA) asking the KPU to change these requirements.

"The KPU will consult the legislators (or the DPR). Consultation to discuss the draft KPU Regulation with the legislators (DPR and Government) is mandatory as stated in the Constitutional Court Decision Number 92/PUU-XIV/2016," said Idham in his statement, Monday, June 3.

However, Idham admitted that his party had not yet accepted the Supreme Court's decision. Related to this, his party has not been able to determine when to consult with parliament.

"Until now, the KPU has not received the Supreme Court's decision and the information we have obtained has not yet been released or officially published from the Supreme Court's decision," explained Idham.

The KPU, he said, had to wait for a copy of the official decision from the Supreme Court before following up on the decision.

"In the context of legal certainty principles, the KPU must wait for the decision file in question to be officially published by the Supreme Court as referred to in the principle of legal certainty contained in Article 2 paragraph (2) letter d PKPU Number 2 of 2024," said Idham.

Separately, the chairman of the DPP United Development Party (PPP) Achmad Baidowi or commonly called Awiek reminded the KPU to consult with the DPR first before changing the age requirements for regional head candidates in the 2024 Pilkada. According to him, the KPU must create a new PKPU if it will be applied to the regional elections this year.

"According to the law, the KPU first consults with the DPR in the RDP (AUDIence meeting). The PKPU has implemented it since the determination of the candidate, the Supreme Court's decision to annull it and apply the age requirements since the inauguration of the regional head," said Awiek.

According to Awiek, the KPU has the right to determine whether the decision will be made in this year's regional elections or the next regional elections.

"As a legal product, it is legal for its implementation. It all depends on whether the KPU wants to implement this Pilkada or the front regional election, because the Supreme Court ordered the KPU to change the PKPU," concluded Awiek.

It is known that the Supreme Court has granted the request of the General Chairperson of the Garuda Party, Ahmad Ridha Sabana, regarding the General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) Number 9 of 2020. The Supreme Court ordered the General Election Commission (KPU) to revoke Article 4 Paragraph (1) letter d PKPU Number 9 concerning the Candidacy for the Election of Governors and Deputy Governors, Regents and Deputy Regents, and/or Mayors and Deputy Mayors.